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Supply chain resilience with JIT Manufacturing
Supply Chain

How a Modified Just-in-Time Manufacturing Approach Evolved for Supply Chains

Just-in-time manufacturing was created to cure supply chain woes, but something happened…
By Protolabs
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supply chain resilience
Supply Chain

Building supply chain resilience: five solutions for strengthening your supply chain

As the complexity of supply chains continues to grow and the number of unforeseeable disruptions increases, it is essential for businesses to develop a risk management strategy to address future disruptions. For organisations looking to build a resilient supply chain, this blog focuses on five key elements necessary for preparing for future disruptions.
By Protolabs
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Shortening the Development Cycle in the Aerospace Sector
Thought Leadership

Shortening the Development Cycle in the Aerospace Sector

Safety is the overriding concern in aerospace and space technology - countless test cycles, inspection procedures and certificates are behind every single part of the jigsaw. Although safety requirements are non-negotiable, they come at a cost – they slow down the speed of the product development cycle.
By Stephen Dyson
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CNC machines at Protolabs
Supply Chain

Finding the right purchaser-supplier match

While you’re searching for the perfect supplier-purchaser match, you’ll need the answers to several key questions… so what questions should you ask?
By Laura Reeves
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Digitised manufacturing makes operations leaner
Industry Spotlight

Lean Manufacturing in the Age of Digital

From design through on-demand production, digital manufacturing is catapulting lean manufacturing to another level.
By Rob Bodor
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