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New materials to lift new ideas off the ground
Talking Technology

New materials to lift new ideas off the ground

The aerospace industry reduces the weight of aircraft, while keeping manufacturing costs down.
By Stephen Dyson
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Building better cars, faster, with 3D printing
Talking Technology

Building better cars, faster, with 3D printing

The automotive industry is demanding the rapid production of parts to speed up product development.
By Stephen Dyson
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CNC Machining and 3D Printing – Friends or Foes
Thought Leadership

CNC Machining and 3D Printing – Friends or Foes?

3D printing and CNC machining - do they compete with or complement each other?
By Damian Hennessey
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Furthering the Fourth Industrial Revolution With Increased Collaboration
Industry Spotlight

Furthering the Fourth Industrial Revolution with Increased Collaboration

How best to prepare for the impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
By Stephen Dyson
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metal 3 D printed part
Tech Tips

Metal 3D Printing Requires New Thought Process

As product development speeds up, the design rules are changing. Nowhere is this more apparent when looking at the industrial 3D printing process of direct metal laser sintering.
By Protolabs
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Hybrid technology combines 3D printing and machining
Eye on Innovation

Hybrid Manufacturing Combines 3D Printing, Machining

3D printing is now combined with CNC machining in a multi-tasking tool system now offered by Hybrid Manufacturing Technologies.
By Protolabs
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microfluidics parts made with 3d printing
Tech Tips

3D Printing for Microfluidics Parts

The 3D printing process, stereolithography, builds parts with detailed features and smooth surfaces— making it suitable for microfluidic fabrication.
By Protolabs
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3D-printed part with nickel plating
Tech Tips

Improving Performance and Cosmetics in 3D-Printed Parts with Secondary Operations

Industrial 3D printing creates functional plastic parts quickly, but often times the parts can benefit from secondary operations that improve on cosmetic appearance and functionality.
By Protolabs
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