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The first fully soft autonomous robot
Industry Insight

Manufacturing Robotics Report: Materials

The latest instalment of a five part series, this article takes a deep dive into materials covering the difference between traditional and soft robotics, a new generation of robotics materials, sustainability of robotics materials, applications for soft robotics, and more.
By Protolabs
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engineer with robot
Industry Insight

Manufacturing Robotics Report: Introduction

First in the five part series, this article provides an introduction to the current state of robotics technology and provides you with an overview of what to expect from the remaining articles.
By Protolabs
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satellite in space
Supply Chain

How to select the right production partner to get your parts into space

Selecting the right manufacturing partner is vital to ensure your project's success, but how can you be sure that you are making the right decision? We've listed three things you must consider when selecting your production partner.
By Protolabs
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3D printed rose dress for met gala
Industry Insight

How Digital Manufacturing is more than Fad or Fashion

Digital manufacturing is fast; it provides excellent process transparency and design flexibility, but how exactly is that impacting the fashion industry daily? This blog takes a look at three trends built on the foundations of digital manufacturing.
By Protolabs
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sla part being finished

Secondary Services in a Race to Come First

When working in the Space industry, post-processing options are often the difference between a good idea and a successful project. Whilst most of your focus will be on primary production methods, this blog outlines how secondary services can greatly impact your final project.
By Protolabs
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aerospace part being taken out of delivery box
Tech Tips

Production Methods for the new frontier

Driving innovation in any industry is difficult, but it’s particularly tricky in the space industry. Parts need to be reliable, withstand increasingly harsh conditions, function for extended periods without maintenance and remain lightweight yet tough enough to withstand the forces of launch and space travel. With these requirements in mind, it's important to select the right manufacturing method.
By Protolabs
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engineer in product design stage
Material Science

Cutting edge materials for space

Material science constantly pushes the boundaries of what is possible in product development, but what materials are making an impact in the space industry? We've compiled a list of cutting edge materials used for space applications to help you make the right decision for your project.
By Protolabs
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satellite being developed by engineers
Industry Trends

Manufacturing’s role in the new space race

With analysts predicting a market value of $1 trillion by 2040, the space industry is thriving. But what are the key trends that need to be on your radar?
By Protolabs
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engineer working on satellite design file
Industry Insight

The Next Frontier: Space and Digital Manufacturing

As the Space sector continues to innovate and develop, adoption of digital manufacturing technologies to support speed, repeatability, and consistency are key to the future success of the industry. In this panel discussion, three of our in-house experts answer your questions on key materials, options for meeting critical quality standards, the future technologies of the industry, and more.
By Protolabs
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manufacturing shop floor
Industry Trends

Crisis, what crisis? Four years that shaped Manufacturing Change

In this blog we look back on the last four years of manufacturing - the challenges that were overcome, and how this has prepared the sector to meet new challenges head on in the future. Results are reflective of the yearly manufacturing survey sent out to the community in partnership with IMechE.
By Protolabs
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7 Trends Driving the Future of Consumer Electronics Manufacturing
Industry Trends

7 Trends Driving the Future of Consumer Electronics Manufacturing

Consumer electronics continues to be as fast paced as always, and with so much happening, are you up to date on the key trends shaping the future of product development and manufacturing in the industry? Don’t worry, we’ve done the hard work for you and compiled 7 key trends driving the future of consumer electronics manufacturing.
By Protolabs
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Welcome to Your All New Digital Manufacturing Platform
Tech Tips

Welcome to Your All New Digital Manufacturing Platform

When we launched more than 20 years ago, our digital manufacturing model was revolutionary. But it’s been necessary to continuously evolve ever since – by expanding our manufacturing services and enhancing our capabilities way beyond the original prototyping service. Many of the customers we serve have grown along with us, so expectation is being continuously elevated.
By Matt Hatch
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