inspiron exchange podcast edition

Connect, share, inspire and innovate with Protolabs

Connecting industry pioneers and academic partners with the engineering community, to share their expertise on the latest industry insights, best practices, and future predictions.

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inspiron exchange podcast

Networking: just a buzzword or pivotal for manufacturing success?

In this episode we discuss with Richard Spears from PP Control & Automation and Rowan Crozier MBE from Brandauer what networking means in 2024, the importance of collaboration, and the opportunities that networking can offer manufacturing.

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inspiron exchange podcast

What does the future hold for AgriTech?

With the expected population of the UK to be 73.7 million by 2036 and increased pressure to reach net zero by 2050, how does the Agriculture industry fair when challenged with growing populations, climate change, sustainability goals and resource inefficiencies? Joined by Emilio Loo Monardez from WMG, our host Alex Edwards leads the conversation on the impact innovative technologies will have on the sector, and whether it will be enough.

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mike wilson

Robotics and automation: what lies ahead?

The UK is the 8th largest manufacturing nation, however, the UK comes in at number 25 on the robot density league table. What are the barriers to adoption and what opportunities does robotics and automation open up? Joined by Mike Wilson from Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC), our host Alex Edwards leads the conversation on the current state of robotics and automation in the UK, changing perspectives, and emerging technologies on the horizon.

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manufacturing podcast with stuart whitehead

Manufacturing: Changing Perceptions

Despite the UK being the 8th largest manufacturer in the world and employing more than 2.5 million in the industry, UK manufacturing is often portrayed in a negative light. Joined by Stuart Whitehead, Founder of Jefferson and Co-founder of FactoryNOW, our host Alex Edwards aims to uncover the reasons behind this brand image, how the UK compares to other markets, and how we can proactively champion UK manufacturing.

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inspirON exchange INWED24 podcast

Women in Engineering: INWED24 Special

In a recent study by The Royal Society, in partnership with EngineeringUK, they found that in school students only 16% of girls said a career in engineering is suitable for someone like them compared to almost 44% of boys. Why is there such a stark difference between STEM uptake in males and females? And how can we resolve this?

For a special podcast episode launched to support #INWED24 and their #enhancedbyengineering campaign, our host Alex Edwards had the pleasure of being joined by Insha Shaikh, Mechanical Engineering student at University of Warwick and President of Warwick Women in Engineering and Science Society, to explore why adoption is so low in females, how we can change this, and Insha’s own experiences in engineering and tech.

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Email [email protected] with your topic of interest and a member of the team will be in touch.

Alex Edwards

Get to know the host!

With over a decade of experience in marketing and communications within the manufacturing sector, Alex Edwards is no stranger when talking about all things manufacturing. Passionate about driving the industry forward, Alex explores the diverse world of manufacturing, from the quirky and extraordinary to the mainstream game-changers. With a keen eye for innovation, he brings honest discussions and valuable insights to listeners, shedding light on the remarkable stories and advancements shaping the future of manufacturing.

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