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Shopfloor machines

Batch Production and Batch Manufacturing:

This blog answers your questions about batch production. When is it suitable? What are the advantages? And more,
By Protolabs
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Protolabs x IMarEST Survey 2024
Thought leadership

Protolabs x IMarEST Survey 2024: Manufacturing in the Maritime industry

A lack of expertise and skilled personnel is holding the maritime industry back, according to a new survey by the IMarEST and Protolabs – but solving it could open up a wealth of opportunity.
By Protolabs, IMarEST
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MJF part
Tech Tips

Designing a part for Multi Jet Fusion

Designing for Multi Jet Fusion differs from other 3D printing processes. In this blog we explore considerations and pitfalls when designing a part for MJF.
By Protolabs
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Ribs on plastic part design illustration
MFG 360

How to Avoid ‘Over-Engineering’ Your Next Part Design

When you hear the term “over-engineering,” you probably think about all of those overly complicated products we’ve all encountered that seem too complex relative to their intended use. The confusing shower faucet controls. The washer or dryer with a dizzying array of counter-intuitive buttons and settings. Your new car’s baffling audio setup. Well, you get the idea.
By Protolabs
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Customer service working on a computer

Using 3D Printing to Create Replacement Parts

Unique products are amazing until parts break and you can’t obtain replacements. Enter 3D printing.
By Eric Utley
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Microfine material
3D Printing

Recent 3D Printing Trends in the Medical Industry

What does the future hold for 3D printing within the medical industry?
By Protolabs
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3D printing machines
Industry Insights

The Benefits of 3D Printing for Rapid Prototyping

The Benefits of 3D Printing for Rapid Prototyping. What you can do to establish a strong foundation for success without compromising the end product.
By Protolabs
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boat with shipping containers

Architecting a Manufacturing Framework for the Future

Manufacturing is changing. In the past, manufacturing was all about mass production and economies of scale, but now shifting consumer demands are driving a transformation of the industry. In this blog, we break down some of the key trends piloting these changes.
By Protolabs
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Boltzmann Brain

How Digital Manufacturing Turns Information into Reality

Using the field of Information Science to learn more deeply explore additive manufacturing.
By Eric Utley
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injection molding living hinge diagram
Tech Tips

MJF vs. SLS: A Comparison of Polyamide 3D Printing Technologies

A look at the key differences between Multi Jet Fusion and selective laser sintering and how to determine the optimal process for your application.
By Protolabs
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Hitekw Tennis Racket
Industry Insights

Game Changing Innovations

This blog looks at the sporting industry and how digital manufacturing is being increasingly used to its advantage.
By Protolabs
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Tech Tips

How to prototype like a pro: Get your product to market faster!

Overcoming the challenges of prototyping to bring your product to market.
By Protolabs
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