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Safkan product
Case Study

We love inventors – and inventions – here at Protolabs

Every year, more than 12 million people visit their physicians for impacted earwax removal. Now, this new ear-care medical device has been developed, with help from Protolabs’ Cool Idea Award, which can clean a patient’s ear in just 35 seconds, bringing a much-needed—and fast—solution.
By Matt Hatch
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Protolabs casestudy | Sumatran Rhino
Case Study

Digitising the Sumatran Rhino

With new advances in 3D imaging and printing technologies, Yxlon were able to replicate a rare species of rhino... With a bit of help from Protolabs' 3D printing service.
By Laura Reeves
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Japet exoskeleton
Case Study

Innovative medical device combats lumbar pain

Japet Medical Devices is a French start-up specialising in medical robotics, created in 2016 by Antoine Noël and Damien Bratic who had both recently qualified from Centrale Lille University. The company, based in Lille’s Eurasanté park, is preparing to launch Atlas, the first functional rehabilitation exoskeleton designed to relieve lumbar pain.
By Laura Reeves
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Case Study

Tired of tangled cables? Problem solved...

Vladislav Svetashkov grew tired of the constant tangling of cables marring the fun of using high quality tech products. The wild cables just didn’t quite fit with what are otherwise very stylish components.
By Laura Reeves
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Protolabs' 3D Printed FUTURO House
Case Study

The Futuro House... in Space

Protolabs send a 3D Printed replcia of Matti Suuronen's Futuro house into the stratosphere
By Laura Reeves
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