Injection Molding Quality Control
How we use digital processes, scientific molding, and inspection reporting to manufacture quality parts consistently
ISO 9001:2015 | ITAR Registered

Inspections for Injection-Molded Parts
We offer several quality inspection reports for injection molding orders. Depending on your project requirements you can choose from the following reports:
- CTQ Partial FAI (First Article Inspection)
- CTQ DIR with Capability Study
- Digital Inspection Report / Full FAI
- Production Part Approval Process (PPAP)
Design for Manufacturing (DFM) Analysis
When requesting a quote through our online quoting system, you will receive manufacturing analysis and pricing. The first step in the digital manufacturing process can enable customers to test multiple designs simultaneously, thereby arriving to design validation sooner, which saves time in the development cycle.
How our manufacturing analysis can improve quality of injection-molded parts:
- Identifies thick walls
- Identifies features with insufficient draft
- Mold flow analysis
- Select gate location
- Select ejector pin location

Design Support from Injection Molding Experts
Consultative Design Services: Work directly with an injection molding applications engineer to improve the moldability of your design. Think of it like having your very own injection molding consultant on your team. During this process, our applications engineer will collaborate with you to understand your design goals, review the manufacturing analysis provided in your online quote, and make changes to the 3D CAD file.
Protolabs Proposed Revision (PPR): In some instances, we can provide a second CAD model to you—called a Protolabs Proposed Revision (PPR). This is a new CAD file with changes already made. The revised model can be used immediately or you can transfer the modifications to the original model. Following the DFM analysis, and, in some cases, the PPR, once the part has been approved, Protolabs moves into the final step before actual production—the digital preparation.

Scientific Molding: Consistently Delivering Quality Parts
We use scientific, or decoupled injection molding process to manufacture consistent, repeatable parts for our injection molding customers. We develop, optimize, and document the ideal set up process for each injection molding project so that the same process and parameters are followed for every single run of a customer's mold. Any modifications are documented to provide traceability across molding runs.
Whether the part will be run again or on a different injection molding press, or if it will be ordered once several months later, scientific molding ensures part-to-part and run-to-run consistency by documenting the exact process used to set up the tool in order to meet the particular resin needs and dimensional requirements.
By following these industry best practices we can ensure that each part has the same properties as the previous part, by controlling fill, pack, and hold. This results in two key benefits for our customers: more consistent parts that are higher quality and inspection reports for qualification.